Time to read: 7 min
This article is a companion toGetting Started with CNC, an introduction to the different types of CNC milling machines and the software used to design the parts they produce. Here, we’re going to discuss CNC milling terminology, toolpaths, and common operations.
Chip Formation
您可能已经看到如图1所示的图像,它在切割工件时,铣削工具如何创造压缩和剪切应力。这些压力造成剪切区,部分工件剪切到我们所谓的芯片中,这往往会在操作员的脸部的方向上飞行 - 这就是机械师穿安全眼镜的原因!
This type of cut may appear simple and straightforward, but the mechanics behind chip formation are complex and have been studied for years.
![An illustration of how chips form when a material is CNC milled.](https://2l2cay2y05fl2aba9x29f5xj-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/image7-1.png)
切削过程产生相当多的热量, and the chips carry that heat when ejected from the workpiece. Good machinists pay attention to the color and shape of the chips to make sure the process is optimal — by observing the chips they know when to adjust coolant or cutting speed and feed rate.
Chips that curl into shapes like the numbers six or nine typically mean the process is operating optimally, but the ideal chip shape depends upon the toughness of the material. Other material properties affect the chip shape as well. For example, brittle materials typically produce discontinuous chips when milled.
Climb vs. Conventional Milling
There are two methods of milling material that depend upon whether the spindle rotation cuts from maximum to minimum thickness or vice versa. The first method, conventional milling, is more common with manual milling machines and cuts with a spindle rotation vector that’s the opposite of the cut direction. The tool rotates in a way that cuts the workpiece from smaller thickness to larger thickness (see Figure 2).
![Illustration of the conventional CNC milling method.](https://2l2cay2y05fl2aba9x29f5xj-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/image8.png)
Cutting Speed and Feed
Tool rotation is defined as revolutions per minute (RPM), and the motion of the tool towards the workpiece is called the feed rate, defined as inches per minute (IPM). These are two of the main machining parameters that are critical to monitor and control.
CAM simulations can also give you general initial parameters, but they don’t account for the condition of the cutting tool. When buying new tools, it’s a good idea to reference the manufacturer’s catalog to familiarize yourself with the specific considerations for materials, wearability, and temperature effects of your tools.
Typical formulas for determining appropriate speeds and feeds are shown below. Depending on the tool and your supplier, you may need additional equation parameters to account for different types of cutting diameters, cutting diameter at cutting depth, face effective cutting-edge count and others.
N = Rotational Speed (RPM’s)
v = Cutting Speed (SFPM)
D = Cutter Diameter Feed
Equation for Feed Rate
fr = Feed Rate [Distance/Min]
N = Rotational Speed
nt =刀具上的牙齿数量
f =饲料(in /牙齿)
Toolpaths are the trajectories the cutting tool follows during the machining process. CAD and CAM software simulate toolpaths by generating the coordinate locations that a cutting tool will follow in the machining process. This allows you to detect interferences between the tool holder and the workpiece, calculate speed, and know when you’ve programmed a cut outside of the workpiece by mistake.
2D Toolpaths
![Illustration of an example 2D CNC milling toolpath.](https://2l2cay2y05fl2aba9x29f5xj-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/image9.png)
此时,您可能会想知道我们为什么要讨论2D刀具路径。毕竟,NOT CNC机器用三个轴或更多工作?
Z-Levels and Machining Pockets
You may have heard 2D toolpaths referred to as 2 ½ D because some think it’s a better term for this type of toolpath. However, this terminology is problematic when machining pockets in parts. In Figure 4 above, the blue lines outside of the part are 2D toolpaths where the cutting motion happens in the X-Y plane.
However, the pockets in the part are tricky: if the tool is already at the pocket-specific height, and cutting only occurs on the X-Y plane, how can the tool carve the pocket? Doesn’t it drill in the Z direction to get the tool inside of the workpiece at that specific height and turn it into a 3D toolpath?
The short answer is no. To mill the pockets, the machine utilizes Z-Levels, where the tool is positioned at one elevation in Z and the cutting operation is performed at the X-Y plane at that Z elevation. Then the machine moves to the next Z-level and so on until the pocket is completely milled out — which gives the impression of cutting in the Z-axis when in reality you’re not.
Common 2D operations
2D toolpaths and 2D operations are defined on the X-Y plane, and Figure 5 below illustrates some of the most common 2D operations:
![Illustration of common 2D CNC milling operations.](https://2l2cay2y05fl2aba9x29f5xj-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/image5-1.png)
- Facing: This toolpath is used as a starting point to produce flat faces and square edges.
- 2D Contour operations: These are used to rough outline and finish outside part walls, like the blue lines in Figure 4.
- 零用:顾名思义,这种类型的操作消除了生产口袋的材料。
- Slot Milling: Similar to pocketing, the tool works in Z-levels but produces specialized slot shapes.
- 倒角铣削:该刀具路径在比角度产生倒角边角。
- Radius (Corner-Round) Milling: Similar to chamfer, but the produced edge corner is round.
3D Toolpaths
2D刀具路径在x-y平面上定义,但是当操作也包括z轴运动时,它成为一个3D刀具路径。这些刀具路径用于加工更复杂的形状,如模具,模具工具,有机拓扑和具有复合轮的几何形状 - 通常,3D刀具路径用于雕刻不使用2D刀具路径的形状。
If you’ve used a 3D scanner, you know that instead of generating a typical CAD geometry, scanned geometries are created as a mesh or array of triangles in the model. Similarly, CAM software creates a triangular mesh representing the geometry to be machined, and this mesh is used to calculate the 3D toolpath. This process is complex and the simulation takes more time since the software must calculate and constantly monitor the toolpath to ensure the tool doesn’t interfere with the workpiece.
![Illustration of an example 3D CNC milling toolpath.](https://2l2cay2y05fl2aba9x29f5xj-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/image6-2.png)
Common 3D Operations
Now that you know how 3D toolpaths and 3D operations are defined, let’s take a look at what the different 3D operations do. Figure 7 illustrates some of the most common 3D operations, and is followed by a breakdown of each:
Clearing Operations
- Adaptive Clearingis used for removing large areas of material. This strategy divides the workpiece into a series of Z-levels (different elevations) and then machines them starting from the bottom.
- Pocket Clearingis similar to Adaptive Clearing in that the CAM software divides the workpiece into Z-levels. But, with pocket clearing, the machining goes in stages, from the middle to the edge of the horizontal area along offset passes.
![Illustration of common 3D CNC milling operations.](https://2l2cay2y05fl2aba9x29f5xj-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/image3.png)
Finishing Operations
Finishing operations improve surface finish, dimensional accuracy, and tolerances. In other words, these milling operations generate the designedsurface finish.
- Parallelfinishing is used for geometries that can be divided into planes with similar contours. The passes are parallel in the X-Y plane and follow the surface in the Z-direction.
- 轮廓finishing is similar to the 2D contour operation, but it consists of multiple contours at different Z elevations.
- Ramp整理与轮廓整理类似,但由于名称表示,斜坡壁角而不是用恒定的Z高度加工。
- Flatfinishing is similar to the 2D facing operation.
- Scallopfinishing consists of passes at a constant distance from one another with inwards offset along the surface.
- Spiralfinishing is a spiral projected down on the machined surface.
- 径向finishing consists of passes along the radii of an arc, then projected down on the machined surface.
Other Operations
Other operations can be defined as clearing or finishing depending on the parameters of the CAM software.
- Horizontal clearing与袋清洁相同的方式机器的平面区域,适用于粗加工和整理操作。
- 铅笔operations create 3D toolpaths along with internal corners and fillets with radii smaller than or equal to the tool corner radius.
- Morphed spiral操作类似于螺旋操作,除了从所选边界产生螺旋,而不是将产生的通道修剪到加工边界。
- Morphtoolpaths involve machining between 2 curves, following their shapes.
Hopefully, this article has given you a better understanding of CNC Milling cuts and toolpaths. If you want to learn more about CNC machining, check out ourresource centerfor more articles, webinars, and guides that will help you fully leverage the power of CNC machines to realize your next product design.
And remember, if you need help with your next project, Fictiv has a team of experts waiting to help you build better CNC parts, faster.Create an accountand upload your design today!