Time to read: 3 min
This article is based on Breadware’sIoT Product Development in 4 Smart Stepsthat outlines the four phases of IoT Product Development.
The Internet of Things (IoT), after years of speculation, is starting to take off. In the last five years alone, businesses and products that use of IoT technologies has nearly doubled to about 25%. That growth is only expected to continue in the next five years – according toIHS标记,预计到2025年将有超过730亿个连接的设备。还估计,将近三分之二的企业公司将采用物联网以帮助减少支出,优化资产并改善内部安全和保障。
So how does this IoT boom affect product developers and manufacturers? Building a product in this new era of connected devices requires a product development cycle that’s strategic and focused. At面包软件, the IoT product development cycle is broken down into thinking, planning, and building a new, smart product initiative. Within those areas, there are four key phases that every company should consider:项目定义>α原型type > Beta Prototype > New Product Introduction.
Step 1: Feasibility Study
Review marketing research, similar products, user needs, timeline, and team to prepare a feasibility report to provide方向和技术策略用于产品开发。这是至关重要的第一步,因为这是将您的想法变成有形产品的开始。尽管它可能是下一步的垫脚石,但这也可以阻止您走上错误的,可能成本高昂且耗时的路径。
Step 2: IoT Workshops
Learn more about specific IoT needs. On-site brainstorming workshops and IoT training sessions are designed to educate, engage, and inform participants on the IoT product development journey. This is a unique offering by Breadware’s engineering experts to walkthrough specific development processes or facilitates a strategy brainstorm session.
Step 3: Technical Architecture
创建一个机械、电气、固件云,mobile, and database architecture that best meets the market needs, usage factors, and constraints for the product. This step is a common stumbling block for new IoT initiatives. Because this step uncovers the tech stack needed to realize the product. It can be technically nuanced and involve multidisciplinary teams, all increasing the complications behind a project.
Step 4: Proof of Concept
开发快速原型,通常使用现成的硬件和软件,以阐明有关技术,功能,用户界面和单位成本的关键“门控”问题。从外观般的到α原型,这是一些最大的未知数显示产品中的时间。低保真,quick turnaround prototypesallow potential pitfalls to present itself sooner than later which could financially save a project entirely.
Step 5: Product Requirements Document
Create a preliminary产品需求文件(PRD)that clearly articulates the product look, feel, functions, and feature-set. This document becomes a blueprint to guide product development throughout the process. After the due diligence of the first 4 out of 5 steps, the compiled findings should take from in a well-defined PRD.
Remember, the right product development strategy will help you build a better product, lower your time to market, and grow your bottom line.
If you want to learn more about all four phases of the IoT product development cycle, download Breadware’s freeIoT Product Development in 4 Smart Steps. See real case studies, reference articles, and more.