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M06? G54? S1000? Do those numbers mean anything to you? Knowing the most common commands in your G-code may not be at the top of your priority list, but it can go a long way in helping you understand what your machine is doing. CNC machines are really good at doing exactly what they’re told. […]
Casting – it’s been around for over 6,000 years and is still widely used today. Advances in casting technology allow the casting of high quality parts with tight tolerances. CNC machining is also pervasive, but much newer. Have you ever considered trying to CNC machine a part that you usually cast? Or are you wondering […]
Fictiv Enterprise为大型或复杂的组织提供信任的按需制造,以减少物理足迹,以更快,更敏捷的供应链寻求更快,更敏捷的供应链。旧金山,2021年6月15日 - 虚构的高质量制造业领导者通过其数字制造生态系统,如今揭幕了Fictiv Enterprise,这是一种行业优先的数字制造解决方案,以满足[…]的强大质量和安全要求
Welcome to part II of our three-part series about secondary operations. This article covers finishing options, while the others discuss heat treatments and hardware installation. When discussing CNC machining surface finishing options, you may have heard terms like as-machined, anodizing, powder coating, or media blasting. But before we dig into the details of those processes, […]
It’s not always easy, but don’t make it harder than it needs to be. Moving from 3D printing to injection molding isn’t as simple as just using your computer-aided design (CAD) file with a different piece of equipment. Because 3D printing offers greater design freedom than injection molding, you may need to modify your CAD […]
As a mechanical engineer or designer, how much time do you spend thinking about how your parts are going to be machined? Even more specifically, do you know what kinds of tools will be used to make different features or geometries? This article will be your guide to the most common tools used in CNC […]