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The week’s top hardware news.
February 19th, 2016
Audiopill is欣赏音乐的实验设备, one that you need to, well, swallow. “It will make you feel like you are standing in the middle of a concert hall with a powerful audio system inside your body,” so says conceptual artist Jan Poope. Did we mention this is experimental (read: insane)?
The Smart Home Security Guard

Photos That (Almost) Sort Themselves
那一刻,您意识到那些数十亿个空缺照片不会分类,过滤和存储自己。或者..是? EnterMonument,一种肥皂形的云设备,可自动按时间,位置,面部以及其中的内容组织您的照片。微笑!
美泰刚刚为孩子们推出了300美元的3D打印玩具工作室,这可能是第一台3D打印机true chance of going mainstream.TheThingMakeris paired with an app that lets children render new toys and jewels straight from their tablet. Autodesk has built the app which is in fact the key of the new printer’s可接近。
硬件 +软件VR平台,MindMaze just raised a whopping $100 million以10亿美元的货币估值。根据首席执行官Tej Tadi的说法,他们的野心是建立技术在内部的各种设备上为VR提供动力。
令人难以置信的$ 4智能手机
每秒60万人令人难以置信buy the $4 Ringing Bells Freedom 251 smartphone。Is this a scam? The Indian Cellular Association (IDA) is arguing that this kind of product can’t be made for less than $40 and is calling on the government to investigate.

The New Leap Motion
Leap Motion is shipping new hardware and softwarefor a brand-new VR experience. On the hardware front, the sensor is lighter and slimmer, and on the software front, it’s claimed to be faster, smarter, and able to sense your hands a full arm’s length away.
+ Google可能正在建立一个stand alone VR headset