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使用泡沫核心可以使用在人们的手中放置模型来学习某些东西的应用程序 - 您可以通过观看用户如何与模型进行交互来学习很多。

2. Large models

Another application where foamcore makes sense is with large models. 3D printing is revolutionizing the way prototypes are made, but on large parts this can be relatively a slow and expensive process.



  1. 它对小或高度详细的部分不起作用(这是3D打印的地方CNCis your best bet).
  2. it doesn’t stand up well against environmental conditions.

To help you build better models with foamcore, here are a few key techniques you should master:


foamcore joining materials: hot glue gun, ruler, clear packaging tape, pencil, Exacto knife or box cutter

Before we get to the techniques, here are the supplies I’m using for this guide:

在图表所有示例中使用的电路板是Readi-board,它在美国亚当斯制造业制造。它可以在批量在线购买,但是我在当地的美元树店上拿起了1美元的价格。薄片通常以20“x 30”尺寸为20“x 30”,厚度小于四分之一英寸。

Other tools include:

  • 热胶枪
  • Ruler
  • Clear packaging tape
  • 铅笔
  • Exacto刀或箱式刀具

That’s all you need! Simple stuff.

请注意,您应该使用带有易于更换刀片的刀 - 新鲜的刀片很重要,使过程更平稳。没有人想和一个比切割更撕裂的沉闷刀片。


The Basics


最常见的工作时加入技术智慧h foam core is to use hot glue. It’s quick, cheap and easy to use, much like foamcore itself.

Glue can be used to join panels together or hold a corner joint closed. Any hot glue gun should do the trick, but if you’ll be doing a lot of work, I’d recommend getting a higher power unit with adjustable temp settings. Something around 100 watts is nice and allows you to put down glue as fast as you can pull the trigger. The adjustability also comes in handy by allowing you to control how long the glue is workable — If you have a really long seam it’s helpful to have more time to get it filled, spread evenly and then held into position.


If you’re looking to model different style corners, there are a few techniques you can use:

Different techniques can produce corners with varying radii



For a little more control, you can create a number of small kerfs on the backside. If you adjust the spacing and width of the cut, this will also afford you more control over how the corner results (see front right example above).

Sharp Corners



Examples of chamfered and scored corners
The top example has been chamfered and the bottom has been scored

To create a sharp corner, you can cut through the backing paper and the foam, leaving the outside facing paper intact. Then chamfer both sides on the back at 45 degree angles.

Do a test fold of this corner to ensure you’ve removed enough material and a sharp corner can be achieved. Once you’ve done the test fold, open the joint back up and fill it with hot glue, using a scrap piece of foam to help spread the glue evenly across the joint.

A sharp corner can be created by removing the foam from inside of the corner

Flexible joints

Aflexible or living jointcan be created using a process very similar to what’s described above for creating a sharp corner. But this time, instead of filing the joint with hot glue and closing it to a 90 degree angle, just leave the joint open with the outward facing paper down and reinforce the backside with tape. Thin clear packaging tape works really well in this application.

If you want to take your foam core work to the next level, you can find a number of interesting tools online. A company namedFoamWerkshas an impressive looking lineup of tools that would address many of the pain points encountered when working with foam core.

mockup for gaming controller
A mockup for a gaming controller

New product development and prototyping is a process — typically a process withmany步骤和迭代。通过将像泡沫这样的材料集成到该过程的早期阶段,您可以帮助简化您的方法并为以下阶段构建基础。