但是人们在Loopwould beg to differ. Sometimes, you do need a separate device—one dedicated solely and completely to one thing, and to doing that one thing extremely well.
In this Spotlight, co-founder and head of designEthan Ballwebershares with us the company’s thinking behind Loop, a personal image-sharing device for all generations.
A New Way to View Our Images
Remember the digital picture frame? That horrid-looking black plastic frame with a really poor quality screen? Enter Loop, a stand-alone interactive display for photos and videos. Its design and functionality are light years beyond that first plastic frame.
Ever since the advent of digital cameras, which exploded everyone’s capacity to produce images, the problem has always been glut and obscurity: we all have way too much photography on our hard drives/mobile devices/clouds; we don’t have the time to edit and organize the images and videos, and there’s no easy way to display or share them. Sure, you can set up Instagram and Flickr accounts, but then anyone else you want to see them (say, your older relatives) has to have access to a computer or mobile device. You can email them, but then they either don’t get opened up, or they’re viewed a whopping one time before they drown in the relentless stream of email. You can print them, but… no need to go into what that entails.
As Ethan explains, “We wanted to create a device for displaying images that fits within people’s lifestyle. For some people, all the technology out there is just too much work. They don’t want to have to download the images and then attach them to an email or upload to a website. So we asked ourselves, how can we connect people with their photos in a way that works for them, that makes it easy for them. You can’t just stream them directly into the device because that would create the same backlog of photos.”
Contrary to what some might think, Loop isn’t about disrupting yet another industry—in this case, the multi-billion-dollar digital frame industry (we’re not kidding about the billions). It’s actually about soothing the consumer in a hyper-evolved tech environment. Yes, it is a new physical device, but its function and its very reason for being are about dialing down the multi-tasking, attention-splintering functionality that’s all around us all the time.
“The question we always asked,” says Ethan, “was how can we simplify [our device], how do we wrap it up in a framework to make it a different experience from the tablet. The tablet is about rich interaction and versatility—but for solo use, since you’re holding it in your hands. Loop is a hands-free device for more passive or lightweight consumption that you can share with other people.”
一开始,Loop的创始人Brian Gannon申请了Highway1 accelerator。用伊森(Ethan)的话来说,来自该加速器的原始产品比目前的产品“更简约”。它有一个带有核桃底座的铝制外壳,并受到了大量的启发:“我们选择了高级材料,并以本世纪中叶的现代家具为基础。”
That was what Ethan calls Concept Zero.
团队立即遇到了他们的第一个挑战。“概念零得到尊重,” Ethan解释说。“它做得很好,但不一定是每个人的,它不是'友好',也不让人们表达自己的个性。它吸引了设计师。”
Another issue was sourcing the materials. “Walnut is difficult to find, and that makes it hard to manufacture on any sort of scale. One of our advisors challenged us to do something better. Something great. To make [Loop] more friendly, approachable and iconic.”
So for two weeks, they put everything else on hold and focused exclusively on design. They took everything into consideration, including the 1950s and 60s televisions and radios from their own original inspiration boards.