+We want to hear from you!新闻通讯的目标是为您提供价值,我们的读者。让我们知道是否有任何我们缺少或在这次短暂的调查中可以做得更好。
- 在汽车新闻中,Dyson unveiled plans for a vehicle-testing siteand expects to have a2021年车辆上的车辆。LEGO built a functioning replica of a Bugattiusing almost only Lego Technic pieces.
+乐高计划让他们自我脱离并建立它从植物的再生材料完全来自玩具到2030年。 - 而三维printing hasn’t lived up to consumer expectations, its在工业应用中越来越多地受到影响。迪拜强制要求25% of new buildings should to be 3D printed在未来七年内,宝马被认识到为生产第一个3D印刷金属在汽车批量生产中。
- 的一份报告发现,超过90% of food processing and packaging companies rely on collaborative robots或“cobots,”decrease operation costs, meet global demand, and combat skilled labor shortages。Cobots的ISO标准,认证和技术趋势。
+这head of Misty Roboticson the发展个人/社会机器人的挑战。 - 逻辑杂志中的一篇文章审查了供应链的弹性和缺乏透明度这种可靠性伴随着。此外,CB Insights的列表125 startupsthat aredisrupting the supply chain and logistics industry现在出来了。
- My new favorite Instagram account,@how_shits_made, capturesmanufacturing processes in China,如消隐,迫在眉睫,绘图,冲压,涂层等等。
+Shipping from China。 - 一点技术历史:看看1970’s calculator race在TI,Sharp,HP和Casio之间。加上,关键作用Sears played in introducing the public to computers and video games。
+Only40 percent of women’s front pockets can completely fit a leading smartphone brand。 - 在今年的黑客defcon将亚马逊回声转换为监视设备, manipulated voting machines, and live-streamed a police body camera.
+计算能力,小型化,生成设计是fueling computational design and changing the future of collaboration。 - 频繁和更长的干旱是changing the approach to water infrastructure, leading to more solutions like雨水集水区,海水淡化和饮用重用。
Events + Community
- 工作:Samsaraandmolekule.are hiring across the board;Athelas正在寻找流体和嵌入式工程师,而美容院正在寻找battery engineer。
- 活动:这Formlabs Roadshow头到芝加哥本月,和IMTS 9月10日踢了下来。
+We will be at the硅谷五金研讨会9月20日。
An 18-minute video ofAudi’s electric motor production facility在匈牙利。
Until next month!